PH | Waternet
MINERALS - Key To Life
How is pH measured?
The body is composed of elements requiring a balance between acidity and alkalinity - known collectively as pH. PH balance is essential for the proper utilization of nutrients, water, and oxygen. When the body's pH is out of balance, the potential for disease is greater. While the body has a remarkable ability to adjust its pH, it often becomes unbalanced with aging. For this reason, it is good to know how to check for pH balance and what to do to help the body balance its pH.
How is pH measured?
pH is measured in the body on a scale from 1 to 14. The number 1 represents extreme acidity while 14 represents extreme alkalinity. Perfect balance of pH is 7, which is considered neutral. Optimal health requires a pH of 6.4 to 7.4.
To measure your pH, ask your pharmacist for pH strips. They will instruct you in the use of the paper strips. You will collect a sample of your day's first urine and gauge the colour the urine turns the pH strip. Each shade of colour on the colour chart has a corresponding number, which represents a pH value.
Ideally, the first morning urine pH would be in the 6.4-7.0 range as the urine is characteristically slightly acidic. Several days of testing, with the pH below 6.4 might suggest that the body might be limited in its ability to absorb and utilize nutrients.
A consistent acidic first morning urine pH may be the result of a poor dietary intake of minerals, particularly calcium. Many studies show that calcium is absolutely necessary for maintaining proper pH balance.